

Thermia AB
Visiting address: Snickaregatan 1, 671 34 Arvika
Postal address: Box 950, 671 29 Arvika, Sweden
Telephone: +46 570 – 813 00

Organization number

Managing Director
Magnus Glavmo

Editorial office
Rafal Kowalski

Legal notice
Despite all care and attention, we cannot guarantee that the information on this website is completely error-free. Statements about products, equipment and functions are non-binding. Individual functions and features may have changed or even been eliminated due to constant development. If you have questions about current functions and designs, please contact our specialists at Thermia. Images used on the website are only examples of use. Images may in some cases contain installation parts, accessories and special equipment that are not included in the standard delivery but are nevertheless shown to illustrate a context or function.

Liability notice
We are not responsible for any damages of any kind arising from the information on this website. Despite careful content control, we cannot be responsible for the content of external links. The owners of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. We are neither willing nor obligated to participate in a dispute resolution procedure regarding this.

The entire content of this website is protected by copyright. All text, images and audio files are covered by the Copyright Act and other laws for the protection of intellectual property rights. Content from the website may not be copied, modified, or used on other websites (or in other media) for commercial purposes or for distribution. Exceptions to this can only be made when we expressly give permission for further use of images, texts, and other content on the website.


Máte nějaké dotazy? Pak nás kontaktujte

Napište nám

Informujeme vás, že váš souhlas může být kdykoli odvolán zasláním e-mailové zprávy... více
We inform you that your agreement may be withdrawn at any moment by sending an email message to our Data Protection Officer: from the address that the agreement concerns. We inform you that you are not profiled. Your data will not be shared outside the European Economic Community or shared with multinational organizations. hide
Informujeme Vás, že správa osobních údajů poskytnutých ve formuláři výše... více
We inform you that the administrator of the personal data provided in the form above is Thermia AB based in Box 950 671 29 Arvika. Please send all your questions and doubts to our Data Protection Officer at Your data will be processed in order to reply to the question according to the provision that data processing is lawful if it is necessary to carry out an agreement or prior to entering it. If you agree to the above, your data will also be used to send marketing content. You can find full information about your personal data in our privacy policy. hide
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